Monday brings a brand new website for mrjonnywood

Your freelance designer, developer and consultant is here.

I’m proud to launch, my online home. Here to showcase my design work, discuss industry issues, share technical information, developer tips and generally ramble on to my audience.

And what better day to launch a new website than Monday? Not ready for work yet? Take ten minutes to scan over my site, maybe I can help motivate your Monday.

Updated website, brand new blog.

I’m really glad to have my portfolio up to date and online but I’m more excited about my new blog. I often stress the importance of a blog to my clients (note to self — must write an article on this). Whilst sharing your knowledge, or sparking debate on an industry issue, well written articles broaden your perspective and force you to think somewhat differently to your daily routine. I aim to publish several new articles over the next few months which I hope will be engaging, educational and thought provoking.

If you’re interested in reading my future articles, please join my mailing list.

You may also want to learn a little more about mrjonnywood.

I’m a freelancer.

I’ve worked as a freelancer since 2006. As an independent, I offer a personal service, it’s Jonny Wood you are dealing with at all times. This eliminates miscommunication and ultimately leads to a more successful, one-to-one relationship.

I’m a designer and developer.

I’ve worked in agencies in the past where design and development are two separate entities. In theory, designers evolve an idea then pass it over to the developers who construct the final outcome. I believe this workflow is outdated. A project should be formed and finalised by designer and developer, working together with research and marketing. My experience provides all these expertise wrapped up as a freelancer.

I’m a consultant.

As an expert in my field, I get involved with a clients business, integrating with internal teams whilst giving an outside perspective. I’ll engage with the business and target market, delivering a solution that drives results.

Don’t just take my word for it, listen to the people I’ve worked with.

Get in touch.

I’m also a dad, a husband and have a life outside work.

Freelancing allows a certain level of freedom and flexibility, which is perfect for me at the moment. I have two young children and a gorgeous, talented wife, all of whom I get to spend quality time with.

Life outside of work / mrjonnywood

When the Manchester weather permits, it’s good to get out on our bikes, walk the dog or head out to the proper countryside. We’re lucky to have areas of natural beauty such as the Peak District, Wales and the Lake District nearby.

Even under the rain, Manchester offers so much on our doorstep. Music, theatre, galleries, museums. As my kids grow up, slowly but surely culture is creeping back into my life and now I’m able to share it with my family.

If I have motivated your Monday, please spread the word:
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